Brain Teasers!

Brain Teasers! : Over 180 Quick Activities & Worksheets That Make Kids Think
by Susan Petreshene

Brain Teasers

The following is an excerpt from the book:

Here's the Answer -
What was the question?

This activity is the opposite of what usually happens in the classroom. Explain to students that you will give them the answer to a question and they are to think of the questions that might have resulted in this answer. For each of the answers you read, there will be several possible questions that could have been asked. For example, if the answer is "my birthday," the question might have been:

-- What is your favorite day?
-- What will next Monday be?

Here's the answer - What was the question?
my lunch a ball
my cat on Saturday
after lunch a dog
Let's ask cartoons
after dinner my mom
when it snows on my desk
on Thanksgiving in the closet
a guitar my best friend
You're kidding! soon
California my neighbor
in the ocean stop
he fell down in the garden
next to the house

The book also provides several possible questions to go with each of these answers.

Contents of Brain Teasers

I. Thinking and Reasoning Activities

Making Quick Decisions
Logic - Putting the Pieces Together
Mini Stories for Solution

II. Math Activities

Relationships and Patterns
Place Value
Coordinates and Graphs
Greater Than/Less Than
Problem Solving
Computation Magic Tricks

III. Language and Writing Activities

Compound Words
Word Derivation
Parts of Speech
Add-on Stories

IV. Listening and Remembering Activities

Following Oral Directions

buy Brain Teasers! : Over 180 Quick Activities & Worksheets That Make Kids Think
by Susan Petreshene

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