Reading Strategies

Article: Reading lesson plan ideas using teaching strategies to improve reading comprehension.

Reading Strategies to Use in the Elementary Classroom

I. Word Identification and Vocabulary Strategies

A. PLX: Students dictate captions for pictures or photographs of interest. These captions are then read over and over again.

B. I Can Read Box: Colorful pictures with easy-reading captions are pasted on construction paper and laminated. Initial captions are done by the teacher. Later captioned pictures are done by students. Other students in the class read the captioned pictures and sign their names on the back of the laminated construction paper. Later entries in the Box can be interesting stories clipped from old basal readers and given a new laminated cover.

C. Word Wall: Five words a week are added to a bulletin board. Students do various activities with these words.

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D. Daffy Dictionary: Students are given roots, prefixes, and suffixes, and are told to construct new words that do not appear in any dictionary. Meanings and parts of speech are also created by the students.





E. Semantic Gradient: An arrow along which appear words of similar meaning. At the extremes of the arrow are opposites.

II. Reading Comprehension Strategies

A. Embedded Sentences: Irrelevant sentences are inserted into paragraphs and students must find them and cross them out.

B. Multiple Text Reading Strategies: Students read several selections on the same topic and engage in comprehension and writing activities which require them to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate across selections.

C. CORI: Concept Oriented Reading Instruction involves students in a series of different literacy activities all related to the same concept.

D. Operation Interaction: Students are cooperatively grouped in triads and read short selections which are followed by comprehension questions. Students must not only find the correct answer, but also determine why the distracters are inappropriate.

III. Study Strategies

A. Shortcutting: Students who are having difficulty with content area text are instructed on ways to ascertain some meaning without having to read the entire text (E.G., reading subtitles, captions, and key vocabulary).

B. PQRST-Ud: This is a study strategy which is a more comprehensible alternative to SQ3R. The initials stand for: Preview, Question, Read, Study, Test-all of which lead to understanding.

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