First Grade Writing Skills
First grade reading lesson plans for teaching writing skills.
- Retells a personal story
- Responds to questions in conversation using words and phrases in the primary language
- Participates in conversation while interacting with peers
- Sequences in proper order
- Recalls sequence of events
- Uses positional words
- Speaks in sentences
- Writes from left to right on page; top to bottom direction
- Writes words using correct spacing
- Writes simple complete sentences using correct subject/verb sentence patterns
- Writes a statement sentence
- Recognizes a question sentence
- Writes personal experiences to retell a story
- Expresses self through drawing/writing
- Writes to retell a story read or presented orally
- Writes words using letter/sound relationships
- Spells frequently used sight words correctly
- Pre-writes to organize ideas
- Creates a draft using pre-writing activities
- Revises draft to improve content of draft
- Edits for errors
- Publishes selected final work
- Expresses self through drawing/writing
- Writes for a specific audience.
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