Third Grade Writing Skills
How to Teach Reading Lesson Plans: Third Grade Writing Skills
- Responds appropriately in conversation with others
- Expresses thoughts and ideas orally
- Uses a variety of sentence patterns when writing
- Writes the four types of sentences
- Develops a paragraph by constructing several sentences on one topic in a logical order
- Develops sequential story lines
- Writes using content-related words
- Makes appropriate and varied word choices
- Writes to retell a story
- Spells frequently used words correctly
- Transfers knowledge of spelling patterns to improve writing
- Uses resources to assist with spelling (teacher, dictionary, computer, other students)
- Employs the steps in the writing process
- Develops various pre-writing strategies
- Compiles information and composes a rough draft
- Revises writing to clarify meaning
- Edits writing to conventional standards in mechanics and spelling
- Publishes selected works
- Writes to inform
- Writes to communicate
- Writes to entertain
- Writes to describe
- Writes for a specific audience
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