Fourth Grade Writing Skills
How to Teach Reading Lesson Plans: Fourth Grade Writing Skills
- Uses a variety of sentence patterns when writing
- Demonstrates proficiency in writing mechanics (capitalization, punctuation)
- Demonstrates proficiency in writing usage (subject-verb agreement)
- Self-corrects and corrects others' writing by editing/proofreading (mechanics, usage, and spelling)
- Develops a paragraph by writing several sentences on one topic in a logical order.
- Uses grade-level vocabulary
- Summarizes information in written form
- Responds in writing using sequential order
- Responds to text by identifying and writing story elements
- Responds to text by writing to retell a story
- Organizes content of text, media, and other printed material to construct a written report
- Develops and presents a written report
- Identifies and writes author’s purpose (inform, entertain, persuade, describe)
- Writes about how a passage makes him/her feel
- Identifies and writes different types of compositions to inform, entertain, persuade, and describe
- Writes for various audiences
- Applies appropriate written information using specialized vocabulary (directions, instructions, recipes, etc.)
- Creates graphic aids to illustrate written information
- Composes personal response
- Composes and shares written response
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