Fourth Grade Writing Skills

How to Teach Reading Lesson Plans: Fourth Grade Writing Skills

  1. Uses a variety of sentence patterns when writing
  2. Demonstrates proficiency in writing mechanics (capitalization, punctuation)
  3. Demonstrates proficiency in writing usage (subject-verb agreement)
  4. Self-corrects and corrects others' writing by editing/proofreading (mechanics, usage, and spelling)
  5. Develops a paragraph by writing several sentences on one topic in a logical order.
  6. Uses grade-level vocabulary
  7. Summarizes information in written form
  8. Responds in writing using sequential order
  9. Responds to text by identifying and writing story elements
  10. Responds to text by writing to retell a story
  11. Organizes content of text, media, and other printed material to construct a written report
  12. Develops and presents a written report
  13. Identifies and writes author’s purpose (inform, entertain, persuade, describe)
  14. Writes about how a passage makes him/her feel
  15. Identifies and writes different types of compositions to inform, entertain, persuade, and describe
  16. Writes for various audiences
  17. Applies appropriate written information using specialized vocabulary (directions, instructions, recipes, etc.)
  18. Creates graphic aids to illustrate written information
  19. Composes personal response
  20. Composes and shares written response


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