When you see this Behavior |
Try This Behavioral Intervention |
Difficulty following a plan (has high aspirations, but lacks follow-through); sets out to get straight A's, ends up with F' (sets unrealistic goals. |
Assist student in setting long-range goals; break the goal into realistic parts. |
Use a questioning strategy with the student: Ask, what do you need to be able to do this? Keep asking that question until the student has reached an obtainable goal. |
Have student set clear time lines, and establish how much time he or she needs to accomplish each step. |
Difficulty sequencing and completing steps to accomplish specific tasks (e.g., writing a book report, term paper, organized paragraphs: solving division problems). |
Break up task into workable and manageable steps. |
Provide examples and specific steps to accomplish task. |
Shifting from one uncompleted activity to another without closure. |
Define the requirements of a completed activity. (E.g., Your math is finished when all six problems are completed and corrected,' do not begin on the next task until the first task is finished) |
Difficulty following through on instructions from others. |
Gain student's attention before giving directions. Use alerting cues. Accompany oral directions with written directions. |
Give one direction at a time. Quietly repeat directions to the student after they have been given to the rest of the class. Check for understanding by having the student repeat the directions. |
Do not present the command as a question or favor. |
Place general methods of operation and expectations on charts displayed around the room and/or sheets to be included in the student's notebook. |
Make up job or work cards. |
Behavior |
Behavioral Intervention |
Difficulty prioritizing from most to least important. |
Prioritize assignments and activities. |
Provide a model to help students. Post the model and refer to it often. |
Difficulty sustaining effort and accuracy over time. |
Reduce assignment length and strive for quality (rather than quantity). |
Increase the frequency of positive reinforcements. (Catch the student doing right and let him/her know it) |
Difficulty completing assignments. |
List and/or post (and say) all steps necessary to complete each assignment. |
Reduce the assignment into manageable sections with specific due dates. |
Make frequent checks for work/assignment, completion. |
Arrange for the student to have the phone number of a "study buddy" in each subject area. |
Difficulty with any task that requires memory. |
Combine seeing, saying, writing, and doing; student may need to sub-vocalize to remember. |
Teach memory techniques as a study strategy (e.g., mnemonics, visualization, oral rehearsal, numerous repetitions) |
Difficulty with test taking. |
Allow extra time for testing; teach test-taking skills and strategies; and allow student to be tested orally. |
Use clear, readable, and uncluttered test forms. Use a test format that the student is most comfortable with. Allow ample space for student response. Consider having short answer tests. |
Behavior |
Behavioral Intervention |
Confusion from nonverbal cues (misreads body language, etc.). |
Directly teach (tell the student) what non-verbal cues mean. Model and have student practice reading cues in a safe setting. |
Confusion from written material (difficulty finding main idea from a paragraph, attributes greater importance to minor details). |
Provide student with copy of reading material with main ideas underlined or highlighted. |
Provide an outline of important points from reading material. |
Teach outlining, main idea/details concepts. Provided tape of text/chapter. |
Confusion from spoken material, lectures and audiovisual material (difficulty finding main idea from presentation, attributes too much importanc to minor details). |
Provide student with a copy of presentation notes. |
Allow peers to share carbon copy notes from presentation. (Have student compare own notes with copy of peer's notes.) |
Provide framed outlines of presentations (introducing visual and auditory cues to important information). |
Encourage use of tape recorder. |
Teach and emphasize key words. |
Difficulty sustaining attention to tasks or other activities (easily distracted by extraneous stimuli). |
Reward attention. Break up activities into small units. Reward for timely accomplishments. |
Use physical proximity and touch. Use earphones and/or study carrels, quiet place or preferential searing. |
Frequent messiness or sloppiness. |
Teach organizational skills. Be sure student has daily, weekly, and/or monthly assignment sheets; list of materials needed daily; and consistent format for papers. Have a consistent way for students to turn in and receive back papers. Reduce distractions. |
Give reward points for notebook checks and proper paper format. |
Provide clear copies of worksheets and handouts and consistent format for worksheets. Establish daily routine; provide models for., -what you want the students to do. |
Arrange for a peer who will help him/her with organization. |
Assist student to keep materials in a specific place (e.g., pencils and pens in pouch). |
Be willing to repeat instructions. |
Poor handwriting (often mixing cursive with manuscript and capitals with lower case letters). |
Allow for scribe and grade content, not handwriting. Allow for use of computer or typewriter. |
Consider alternative methods for student response (e.g., tape recorder, oral reports). |
Don't penalize student for mixing cursive and manuscript (accept any method of production). |
Difficulty with fluency in handwriting; good but slow and laborious. |
Allow for shorter assignments. (Emphasize quality over quantity.) |
Allow alternate method of production (computer, scribe, oral presentation, etc.). |
Inappropriate responses in class often blurted out; answers given to the questions before they have been completed. |
Seat student in close proximity to teachers so that visual and physical monitoring of student behavior can be done by the teachers. |
State behavior that you do want (tell the student how you expect him/her to behave). |
Agitation under pressure and competition. |
Stress effort and enjoyment for self, rather than competition with others. |
Minimize timed activities; structure class for team effort and cooperation. |
Poor adult interactions; defies authority; manipulates (passive); hangs on. |
Provide positive attention. |
Talk with student individually about the inappropriate behavior (A better way of getting what you need or want is...) |
Frequent self put-downs, poor personal care and posture, negative comments about self and others, low self-esteem. |
Structure for success'. Train student for self-monitoring, reinforce improvements, teach self-questioning strategies (What am I doing? How is that going to affect others?) |
Allow opportunities for the student to show his & her strengths. |
Give positive recognition. |
Remain calm, state infraction of rule, and don't debate or argue with student. |
Have a pre-established consequence for misbehavior. |
Administer consequences immediately and monitor proper behavior frequently. |
Enforce rules of the classroom consistently. Design discipline to "fit the crime," without harshness. |
Avoid ridicule and criticism. Remember, ADD children have difficulty staying in control.-Avoid publicly reminding students on "medication to "take their medicine." |
Reward more than you punish in order to build self-esteem. |
Praise immediately any and all good behavior and performance. |
Change rewards if not effective in motivating behavioral change. |
Find ways to encourage the child. |
Teach the child to reward him/herself. Encourage positive self-talk (e.g., "You did very well remaining in your seat today. How do you feel about that? ") This encourages the child to think positively about him/herself. |
Difficulty using unstructured time, recess, hallways, lunchroom, locker room, assembly, and library. |
Provide student with a definite purpose during unstructured activities. (E.g., The purpose of going to the library is to check out The purpose of... is... ). |
Encourage group games and participation (organized school clubs and activities). |
Loosing things necessary for task or activities at school or at home (e.g. pencils, books, assignments both before, during, and after completion of assignment). |
Help students organize. Frequently monitor notebook and dividers, pencil pouch, locker, book bag, desks. (Emphasize a place for everything and everything in its place.) |
Provide positive reinforcement for good organization. Provide student with a list of .needed materials and their locations. |
Poor use of time (sitting, staring off into space, doodling, not working on task at hand). |
Teach reminder cues (a gentle touch on the shoulder, hand signal, etc.). |
Tell the student your expectations of what paying attention looks like. (E.g., You look like you are paying attention when... ) |
Give the student a time limit for a small unit of work with positive reinforcement for accurate completion. |
Use a contract, time, etc., for self-monitoring. |