
Children with developmental delays: Bilaterality

Developmental Skill Bi-Laterality: The ability to use the upper and lower parts of the body independently. Affects the ability to conceptualize ideas.
Indications of Developmental Lags Spilling things; moving feet/legs when listening to a story; responds, "I can do it another way" when being shown an activity.
Indication of Classroom Developmental Lags Looks for better, easier work; "Ping-pong" grades from subject to subject or one grading period to the next; difficulty going from general to specific; good vocabulary, but poor reading comprehension; cannot use information, only memorizes facts.
Activities for Developmental Growth Hopping like a rabbit; swimming (breast & butterfly strokes); dribbling a basketball while moving with hands centered on body; putting a golf ball; jumping rope; walking on ropes on the ground.

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