First Grade Math Skils

First Grade Math Skils

  1. Identifies, represents, extends, explains, and describes patterns
  2. Creates, extends, and records patterns using a wide variety of materials and procedures including the number patterns 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s
  3. Explores and explains patterns of addition and subtraction with and without the use of a calculator
  4. Explores patterns using a hundreds chart
  5. Collects data, models, and constructs graphs using real objects
  6. Gathers data, constructs, and interprets bar and pictorial graphs
  7. Makes a prediction, collects data, and compares results
  8. Explores and discusses “always,” maybe,” “sometimes,” and “never” events
  9. Uses nonstandard and standard units to explore length
  10. Compares weights of objects
  11. Explores and estimates capacity of various containers in nonstandard units
  12. Places correctly numbers on an analog clock
  13. Recognizes the hour-hand and minute-hand and simulates clockwise motion
  14. Tells time to hour, half hour intervals, and explores time to five-minute  intervals
  15. Explores concepts of hot and cold using a thermometer
  16. Reads a calendar by naming months of the year and finding a particular date
  17. Recognizes open and closed figures
  18. Recognizes and identifies two-dimensional figures including triangle, square, rectangle, and circle
  19. Classifies two and three-dimensional figures according to characteristics (e.g., square, rectangle, circle, cube, prism, sphere, cone, and cylinder)
  20. Identifies congruent shapes and similarity of two geometric figures
  21. Identifies symmetrical objects and their lines of symmetry
  22. Models, names, and follows directions using positional words (e.g., over,  under, beside, in front of, in back of, inside, outside)
  23. Uses multimedia resources to explore patterns, symmetry, and shapes
  24. Explores and explains patterns of addition and subtraction with and without the use of a calculator
  25. Uses manipulatives to explore different combinations of whole numbers, and writes the equations that accompany them
  26. Explores different concepts of addition and subtraction, and writes equations that accompany them
  27. Demonstrates that addition and subtraction are inverse operations
  28. Computes basic facts 0 to 10 for addition and subtraction with and without manipulatives
  29. Explores situations which involve a missing addend, subtrahend, and minuend
  30. Models, draws, and discusses story problems using addition and subtraction
  31. Models, draws, and discusses representations of story problems, and writes number sentences to accompany them involving addition and subtraction
  32. Identifies the value of coins (e.g., penny, nickel, dime, and quarter)
  33. Determines the value of like coins up to $1.00
  34. Determines the value of mixed coins up to $1.00
  35. Finds equal money amounts with different coin combinations up to $.25
  36. Counts forward and backward 0 to 100
  37. Identifies model using manipulatives, and writes numbers 0 to 100
  38. Associates names and numerals that accompany two-digit numbers
  39. Compares two-digit numbers using the terms: “more,” less,” “greater than,”  “less than,” “equal to,” and “almost”
  40. Skip counts to 100 by  2’s, 5’s, and 10’s
  41. Identifies place value of a given digit in a three-digit number
  42. Represents fractions by using models and drawings
  43. Compares a whole to fractional parts


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