Fourth Grade Math Skills
Fourth Grade Math Skills
- Reads and writes fractions, six-digit whole numbers, and decimal numbers through hundredths
- Orders and compares six-digit whole numbers, decimal numbers through hundredths, and fractions with denominators of twelve or less
- Rounds whole numbers to one hundred thousand and rounds decimal numbers through hundredths
- Identifies, draws, and models equivalent fractions
- Uses real-life objects to represent, draw, and explain the relationships between fractions and decimals
- Utilizes a variety of multimedia and technology resources to explore numerical relationships
- Models and identifies factors and multiples of whole numbers to one hundred
- Counts change to $10.00
- Recognizes, describes, and extends a given pattern
- Analyzes a given pattern and generates a similar pattern
- Collects, organizes, and interprets data using bar graphs, circle graphs, line graphs, pictographs, charts, tables, and tally charts
- Formulates and solves problems that involve data analysis and prediction
- Investigates the concepts of probability
- Measures a given object to the nearest fourth of an inch
- Selects, uses, compares, and converts within the appropriate standard English and metric) system of measurement
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- Determines the perimeter and areas (grid areas) of appropriate standard and nonstandard geometric figures
- Identifies the attributes of length, weight, capacity, mass, volume, time, and temperature using English and metric units of measurement
- Calculates and solves problems with elapsed time
- Constructs two and three-dimensional geometric figures with concrete materials
- Identifies, describes, classifies, and compares two and three-dimensional geometric shapes, figures, and models
- Investigates transformational results of slides, flips, and turns
- Identifies and models points, lines (including parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines), line segments, and rays
- Recognizes right, acute, and obtuse angles
- Defines and labels the following parts of a circle: center, radius, diameter, and chord, and explores the meaning of circumference of a circle
- Identifies congruent and symmetrical figures
- Investigates geometric concepts using interactive materials and resources
- Uses variables and open sentences to solve problems with the four basic operations
- Estimates sums, differences, products, and quotients using a variety of techniques
- Determines whether estimated answers are reasonable and units are appropriate
- Estimates and uses mental computation to solve real-life problems
- Adds and subtracts six-digit whole numbers with and without regrouping
- Adds and subtracts decimals to tenths, hundredths, and thousandths
- Multiplies whole numbers by one-digit multipliers and divides by one-digit divisors with and without remainders
- Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides money amounts
- Explores the four basic operations through appropriate multimedia resources
- Adds and subtracts fractions with like and unlike denominators
- Applies problem-solving techniques to solve one and two-step problems involving the basic operations
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