Fourth Grade Math Skills

Fourth Grade Math Skills

  1. Reads and writes fractions, six-digit whole numbers, and decimal numbers through hundredths
  2. Orders and compares six-digit whole numbers, decimal numbers through hundredths, and fractions with denominators of twelve or less
  3. Rounds whole numbers to one hundred thousand and rounds decimal numbers through hundredths
  4. Identifies, draws, and models equivalent fractions
  5. Uses real-life objects to represent, draw, and explain the relationships between fractions and decimals
  6. Utilizes a variety of multimedia and technology resources to explore numerical relationships
  7. Models and identifies factors and multiples of whole numbers to one hundred
  8. Counts change to $10.00
  9. Recognizes, describes, and extends a given pattern
  10. Analyzes a given pattern and generates a similar pattern
  11. Collects, organizes, and interprets data using bar graphs, circle graphs, line graphs, pictographs, charts, tables, and tally charts
  12. Formulates and solves problems that involve data analysis and prediction
  13. Investigates the concepts of probability
  14. Measures a given object to the nearest fourth of an inch
  15. Selects, uses, compares, and converts within the appropriate standard English and metric) system of measurement

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  1. Determines the perimeter and areas (grid areas) of appropriate standard and nonstandard geometric figures
  2. Identifies the attributes of length, weight, capacity, mass, volume, time, and temperature using English and metric units of measurement
  3. Calculates and solves problems with elapsed time
  4. Constructs two and three-dimensional geometric figures with concrete materials
  5. Identifies, describes, classifies, and compares two and three-dimensional geometric shapes, figures, and models
  6. Investigates transformational results of slides, flips, and turns
  7. Identifies and models points, lines (including parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines), line segments, and rays
  8. Recognizes right, acute, and obtuse angles
  9. Defines and labels the following parts of a circle: center, radius, diameter,  and chord, and explores the meaning of circumference of a circle
  10. Identifies congruent and symmetrical figures
  11. Investigates geometric concepts using interactive materials and resources
  12. Uses variables and open sentences to solve problems with the four basic operations
  13. Estimates sums, differences, products, and quotients using a variety of techniques
  14. Determines whether estimated answers are reasonable and units are  appropriate
  15. Estimates and uses mental computation to solve real-life problems
  16. Adds and subtracts six-digit whole numbers with and without regrouping
  17. Adds and subtracts decimals to tenths, hundredths, and thousandths
  18. Multiplies whole numbers by one-digit multipliers and divides by one-digit divisors with and without remainders
  19. Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides money amounts
  20. Explores the four basic operations through appropriate multimedia resources
  21. Adds and subtracts fractions with like and unlike denominators
  22. Applies problem-solving techniques to solve one and two-step problems involving the basic operations


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