Second Grade Math Skills
Second Grade Math Skills
- Identifies, models, and extends figure patterns
- Uses patterns to count pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters
- Skip counts by 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, and 10’s
- Tallies, interprets, predicts, and records outcomes based on given information
- Creates line, bar, and pictorial graphs using collected data from students and other resources
- Interprets graphical data in terms of “more,” “less,” same,” “most,” and “least”
- Investigates and applies concepts of probability through explorative activities (e.g., always, maybe, sometimes, and never events)
- Uses appropriate tools and terms to explore measurement
- Estimates and measures length, weight, and capacity using standard units of measurement
- Categorizes measurement terms according to length, weight, and capacity
- Uses convincing arguments to justify the selection of a specific unit of measure for a given item
- Collects and compares seasonal temperatures using a thermometer
- Identifies vocabulary terms for time (e.g., before, after, until)
- Reads and writes time to the hour, half-hour, quarter of an hour, and five-minute intervals
- Uses time to sequence events of the day
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- Uses the calendar to determine past and future days
- Identifies the parts of a clock
- Recognizes, identifies, and creates a circle, quadrilateral, rhombus, square, triangle, trapezoid, hexagon, and parallelogram
- Compares and contrasts the characteristics of shapes using various resources
- Models and finds the perimeter of simple shapes
- Recognizes, describes, and presents models of three-dimensional figures
- Computes the basic facts 0 to 18 for addition and subtraction with and without manipulatives
- Adds and subtracts to find missing addends and subtrahends
- Uses the inverse relationship of addition and subtraction
- Adds and subtracts numbers presented in vertical and horizontal format
- Adds two and three-digit whole numbers with and without regrouping
- Subtracts two-digit whole numbers with and without regrouping
- Subtracts three-digit whole numbers without regrouping
- Models and multiplies numbers 0 to 5 using repeated addition
- Uses addition and/or subtraction to solve one and two-step problems by drawing, discussing, modeling, and writing explanations
- Selects and uses the appropriate symbols for dollars and cents
- Identifies quarters and half-dollars to count groups of coins
- Determines the value of money up to $5.00
- Compares given values of money up to $5.00
- Finds equal money amounts with different coin and dollar combinations
- Makes change up to $1.00
- Computes multiplication facts 0 to 5
- Models multiplication problems by drawing and writing explanations
- Identifies, models, and writes numbers 0 to 1000 in order
- Sequences numbers using the terms “before,” “after,” and “between”
- Identifies place value of a given digit in a four-digit number
- Identifies and models even and odd numbers
- Identifies, discusses, and draws representations of equivalent fractions through one-third
- Estimates quantities to the nearest multiple of ten
- Groups items by ones, tens, and hundreds
- Rounds two-digit whole numbers to the nearest multiple of ten
- Uses the symbols <, >, and = to compare two numbers
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