Sixth Grade Math Skils

Sixth Grade Math Skils

  1. Solves equations in one variable using addition and subtraction
  2. Models simple addition and subtraction problems using integers on a  number line
  3. Recognizes and continues a number pattern and/or geometric representation (e.g., triangular numbers)
  4. States a rule to explain a number pattern
  5. Uses whole numbers to complete a function table based on a given rule
  6. Creates and solves proportional equations using one variable
  7. Reads and constructs line, bar, and pictographs
  8. Reads and interprets circle graphs using percents
  9. Constructs and explains a frequency table
  10. Uses probability to predict the outcome of a single event and expresses the result as a fraction or decimal
  11. Estimates and compares data to include mean, median, and mode
  12. Solves problems involving combinations
  13. Measures length to the nearest one-sixteenth inch
  14. Identifies appropriate units for measuring length, weight, volume, and temperature in the standard (English and metric) systems
  15. Uses appropriate mathematical tools for determining length, weight, volume, and temperature in the standard (English and metric) systems
  16. Uses estimation to solve problems in the standard (English and metric) systems
  17. Converts units within a measurement system
  18. Locates points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane
  19. Draws points, lines (parallel, perpendicular, intersecting), line segments, and rays
  20. Identifies, classifies, and measures right, acute, obtuse, and straight angles
  21. Creates tessellations with polygons
  22. Explores the relationships of three-dimensional figures, including vertices, faces, and edges using manipulative materials
  23. Describes, compares, constructs, classifies, and identifies flips, slides, and, turns (reflections, translations, and rotations)
  24. Calculates the area of parallelograms (squares and rectangles) without using calculators
  25. Finds the circumference of a circle with and without the use of manipulative materials
  26. Determines the area of a circle with and without the use of a calculator
  27. Finds the volume of cubes and rectangular prisms with and without the use of calculators
  28. Reads, writes, and rounds twelve-digit whole numbers
  29. Compares and orders whole numbers using <, >, and =
  30. Writes twelve-digit whole numbers using expanded notation
  31. Reads, writes, and rounds decimal numbers to the nearest ten-thousandth
  32. Compares and orders decimal numbers using <, >, and =
  33. Writes decimal numbers through the nearest ten-thousandth using expanded notation
  34. Uses estimation to determine accuracy of solutions
  35. Multiplies a three-digit decimal number by a two-digit decimal number
  36. Divides a five-digit decimal number by a two-digit decimal number
  37. Rounds decimal quotients to the nearest whole number, tenths, and hundredth
  38. Estimates and solves one and two-step problems involving addition,  subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals, with and without calculators
  39. Uses the rules of divisibility to determine factors and multiples of a given  number
  40. Explores the relationships among integers
  41. Models and writes the prime factorization of a number using exponential notation
  42. Distinguishes between prime and composite numbers with and without the use of calculators
  43. Uses the greatest common factor (GCF) to simplify fractions
  44. Uses the least common multiple (LCM) to find common denominators
  45. Converts among fractions, decimals, and percents
  46. Finds the percent of a number
  47. Estimates and calculates sale price and/or original price using discount rates
  48. Compares and orders fractions as well as mixed numerals
  49. Determines equivalent forms of fractions
  50. Uses a variety of techniques to express a fraction in simplest form
  51. Locates fractions, decimals, and mixed numerals on a number line
  52. Adds and subtracts mixed numerals with and without regrouping, expressing the answer in simplest form using like and unlike denominators
  53. Multiplies and divides proper fractions as well as mixed numerals expressing the answer in simplest form
  54. Estimates, solves, and compares solutions to one and two-step problems  involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of proper fractions and mixed numerals
  55. Demonstrates different ways to express ratios


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