Third Grade Math Skills
Third Grade Math Skills
- Recognizes, describes, and extends patterns (e.g., colors, shapes, numbers, and letters)
- Creates patterns using manipulatives
- Demonstrates and explains the relationship between numeration and patterns
- Reads, models, and counts up to five-digit numbers
- Reads and writes number words up to five-digit numbers
- Recognizes place value to the ten thousands’ place
- Identifies the value of a given digit in a five-digit number
- Compares and orders five-digit numbers using <, >, and =
- Expresses numbers in expanded notation
- Regroups hundreds, thousands, and ten-thousands
- Identifies points on a number line
- Rounds numbers to the nearest 1,000
- Recognizes, draws, models, and orders fractions with fourths, fifths, sixths, and eighths
- Recognizes, draws, and models equivalent fractions
- Reads and writes Roman Numerals 1 to 100
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- Uses appropriate multimedia resources and manipulatives to explore number values and relationship
- Compares and interprets quantities represented on different types of graphs (line, bar, circle), and makes predictions based on the information collected
- Compares data represented on charts and tables
- Uses appropriate technology and manipulatives to collect, organize, and display data
- Explores, predicts, and models the number of different combinations of two or more objects
- Experiments and describes the concepts of probability
- Identifies and compares differences among length, weight/mass, and capacity/volume (English and metric measures)
Chooses appropriate units of measurement for length, weight/mass, and capacity/volume
- Converts between pints, quarts, and gallons
- Converts miles to feet and yards
- Compares metric measurements to English measurements
- Measures using various types of instruments:
length in millimeters, meters, kilometers; inches, feet, yards
capacity in milliliters, liters; pints, quarts, gallons
time to nearest minute
temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit - Uses manipulatives and gridded regions to determine area of shapes
- Estimates elapsed timed
- Estimates measures of length, weight/mass, and capacity/volume
- Solves word problems using time, money, and measurements
- Identifies polygons with three, four, five, six, eight, and ten sides
- Identifies and distinguishes between parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines
- Identifies right angles and compares them to acute and obtuse angles
- Establishes three-dimensional relationships (e.g., circle/sphere, square/cube, triangle/pyramid, and rectangle/rectangular prism)
- Explores geometric concepts through appropriate technology and resources
- Estimates solutions to problems using basic operations
- Estimates sums and differences in money problems up to $100.00
- Uses mental math to solve problems
- Chooses appropriate operational signs to complete number sentences
- Adds and subtracts five-digit numbers with and without regrouping
- Adds up to three four-digit addends
- Recalls multiplication facts 0 to 5
- Models, explores, and states multiplication facts 6 to 12, and division facts 1 to 12
- Multiplies up to three-digit numbers by one-digit multipliers with and without regrouping
- Divides three-digit numbers by one-digit divisors
- Adds and subtracts fractions with like denominators
- Models, explores, and recognizes decimals to tenths
- Adds and subtracts numbers with decimals to tenths
- Adds amounts of money up to $999.99 represented with decimal notation
- Subtracts amounts of money from $100.00 or less
- Counts change from $5.00 or less
- Uses a variety of multimedia and technology resources to solve problems involving basic operations
- Determines the value of variables to complete number sentences
- Constructs fact families for the basic operations
- Models, identifies, and explains the properties of basic operations using appropriate manipulatives
Zero property of multiplication
Inverse operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Commutative and associative properties of addition and multiplication
Identity property of addition and multiplication - Solves one and two-step word problems using the four basic operations
- Analyzes word problems to determine if the given information is required for the solution
- Creates and writes word problems using one or more of the basic operations
- Uses multimedia resources to investigate and solve word problems
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