6th Grade Reading Strategies



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Sixth Grade Reading Skills

Sixth Grade Reading Skills

6th Grade Reading Strategies

  1. Reads orally with fluency based on rate, intonation, phrasing, and naturalness
  2. Self-corrects when reading miscues
  3. Reads fluently with understanding
  4. Utilizes prior knowledge
  5. Decodes unknown words using the three-cueing system (e.g., semantics/contexts meaning, syntax/sentence structure, graphophonic/sound-symbol correspondence)
  6. Uses word patterns to correctly spell words in context
  7. Extends word patterns (e.g., prefixes, suffixes, inflectional ending)
  8. Uses synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms
  9. Uses multiple meanings of words/homographs
  10. Interprets the meaning of contractions and possessives
  11. Utilizes figurative language/sound devices (e.g., rhyming, alliteration, onomatopoeia)
  12. Identifies/spells frequently-used words correctly
  13. Identifies analogies
  14. Locates, summarizes and combines information from different sources (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, atlas, computer)
  15. Utilizes visual aids to completely understand the passage (e.g., picture, list, table, chart, graph)
  16. Utilizes parts of a book (e.g., table of contents, index, glossary, chapter heading)
  17. Identifies and applies knowledge of organizational patterns (e.g., sequence, cause and effect, comparison/contrast)
  18. Summarizes main idea and supporting details
  19. Makes predictions, draws conclusions and infers meaning
  20. Skims and scans to locate key information
  21. Rereads to determine meaning
  22. Retells a story
  23. Identifies the story elements (e.g., character, setting, plot, theme, mood/tone,                 conflict, and solution)
  24. Identifies and creates genres
  25. Connects the content of the passage to real life or current events
  26. Determines author's purpose (e.g., entertain, describe, persuade, inform);                      mood/tone (e.g., humorous, persuasive, ominous); point of view (e.g., first person, third person, omniscient)
  27. Uses figurative language/literary devices (e.g., similes, metaphors, personification, and hyperbole)
  28. Understands meaning of a passage from a selection
  29. Understands the author's position (author's personal view)
  30. Distinguishes between fact and opinion
  31. Recognizes persuasive and propaganda techniques (e.g., bias, slant, misinformation, propaganda)
  32. Follows written directions within a passage
  33. Interprets specialized vocabulary
  34. Compares the relationship between graphic aids and the content of the passage
  35. Determines the sequence of activities needed to carryout a procedure
  36. Locates and applies appropriate information (e.g., phone book, manuals, order forms)
  37. Identifies information which provides additional clarity (e.g., bold-faced print, illustrations, italics)
  38. Follows oral directions
  39. Listens to and comprehends oral reading