Blends and segments sounds in two phoneme words (e.g., at—a-t,
Interprets a picture orally
Produces an imagined story to accompany pictures
Predicts an outcome
Develops an awareness of cause and effect
Makes transfer of knowledge through demonstrated application
Begins to differentiate reality from fantasy
Understands position words (e.g., in, on, above, below, under, over,
beside, front, back, etc.)
Reproduces a visual pattern
Approximates writing using scribble/drawing to communicate an idea
Begins to use letters to communicate ideas
Traces shapes
Draws an enclosed space that is recognizable (e.g., circle, box, etc.)
Legibly writes first name from memory
Follows simple directions
Listens to an age-appropriate story
Reads and recognizes proper names of classmates
Reads labeled objects in room
Reads and recognizes words representing familiar objects
Some people believe it is impossible for couples to always be in a state of
bliss. Others state they have been blissfully married for 10, 20, 30 or more
years. What's their secret?
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