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[ Up ] [ Kindergarten Math ] [ Kindergarten Reading ] [ Kindergarten Writing ]
- Recognizes and identifies patterns
- Reproduces and describes patterns
- Models, extends, and describes patterns using a variety of materials and
- Collects data, models, and constructs graphs using real objects
- Interprets, explains, and analyzes data found in graphs
- Explores and discusses “always,” “maybe,” and “never” events
- Models and discusses terms of comparison such as more/less,
taller/shorter, heavier/lighter, hotter/colder, and before/after
- Measures the length, weight, and capacity of objects using nonstandard
- Investigates volume (holds more, less, or about the same) using different
shaped containers and materials
- Recognizes the clock and calendar as a measurement of time
- Applies mathematical language by telling when a certain measure is “too
many,” “not enough,” “just right,” “more than,” “less than,” or “equal to” for
a given situation
- Traces, cuts, and manipulates shapes
- Classifies, compares, and contrasts by name and characteristics various
shapes (e.g., square, rectangle, circle, cube, prism, sphere, cone, and
- Demonstrates the understanding of positional words (e.g., in, above,
below, over, under, beside)
- Explores symmetry concepts through real world models and artwork
- Explores two and three-dimensional shapes utilizing technology
- Models and applies the basic operations of addition and subtraction
- Explores addition and subtraction of numbers 1 to 10
- Counts and models a set of objects 0 to 10 (or greater)
- Counts forward and backward 1 to 10 (or greater)
- Recognizes and writes numbers 0 to 10 (or greater)
- Determines “first” through “tenth,” “next,” and “last” positions
- Applies mathematical language by telling when a certain number is “too
many,” “not enough,” “just right,” “more than,” “less than,” or “equal to” for
a given situation
- Introduces fraction terms and concepts including “fraction,” “whole,”
“all,” “part,” “some,” and “none”
- Uses a variety of multimedia and technology to explore number concepts