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- Retells a familiar story using own words
- Moves hand in space from left to right
- Understands left to right progression on the page; top to bottom
- Holds a book in correct way
- Understands return sweep; identifies direction which print is read
- Recognizes print in the environment
- Reads some environmental print (signs/labels)
- Reproduces a pattern using concrete objects
- Listens attentively to a story
- Engages in reading-like activities
- Joins in reading of familiar books
- Begins to read predictable/pattern book
- Dictates a story
- Identifies words in an experience story
- Understands that print conveys meaning
- Retells a personal story
- Responds to questions in conversation using words and phrases in the
primary language
- Participates in conversation while interacting with peers
- Can sequence in proper order
- Recalls sequence of events
- Uses positional words
- Speaks in sentences
- Expresses wants, needs, and thoughts in primary language
- Points to and says letters in the child’s name
- Names printed letters
- Can match letters
- Responds to cue words that begin with the same sound
- Responds to cue words that end with the same sound
- Responds to cue words that rhyme
- Identifies the relationship between letters and sounds
- Distinguishes sound units/syllables (clapping/stomping/finger tapping)
- Produces rhyming words
- Recognizes the same phoneme orally
- Isolates the beginning sound in a word orally
- Blends and segments sounds in two phoneme words (e.g., at—a-t,
- Interprets a picture orally
- Produces an imagined story to accompany pictures
- Predicts an outcome
- Develops an awareness of cause and effect
- Makes transfer of knowledge through demonstrated application
- Begins to differentiate reality from fantasy
- Understands position words (e.g., in, on, above, below, under, over,
beside, front, back, etc.)
- Reproduces a visual pattern
- Approximates writing using scribble/drawing to communicate an idea
- Begins to use letters to communicate ideas
- Traces shapes
- Draws an enclosed space that is recognizable (e.g., circle, box, etc.)
- Legibly writes first name from memory
- Follows simple directions
- Listens to an age-appropriate story
- Reads and recognizes proper names of classmates
- Reads labeled objects in room
- Reads and recognizes words representing familiar objects